Resource and energy companies

Manufacturing companies

  • HP – pre split. HP’s innovation management practices were, at its peak, among the best CIO has researched. This report comments on why and provides a comparison of HP with 3M, CIO’s best choice. HP Retroperspective
  • Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce announces initiatives to lessen bureaucracy and restore financial performance. Tinkering with research and development  presents challenges. December, 2015. 14 pages
  • Massey-Ferguson. Once Canada’s largest industrial enterprise with a global business and 68,000 employees, is now only a brand name owned by an American company, AGCO. M-F was a successful company. One can learn more from mistakes than from successes! What role did innovation, or the lack of innovativeness, play in the company’s demise? Three ex-employees of the company provide their insight into this failure. 20 pages.
  • Nucor. Ken Iverson is given credit for getting Nucor off  the ground. He had a distinct management philosophy, dramatically different for the steel industry at the time, which established management practices that proved hugely successful. The focus of this Profile is on Iversons’ leadership and practices. Nucor was the largest steel company in the U.S. 2009. 24 pages.

IT companies

  • Uber core values. Uber needs to update. CIO compares Uber with four highly innovative, idea-intensive companies. September 2017. 2 pages.
  • IBM – Can it survive? A classic case of not adjusting swiftly enough to market changes. Are there lessons to be learned? April 2016. Peter Farwell, a partner in CIO, provides his insights!
  • Google. Google has adopted and adapted both old and new approaches to the management of innovation. Google’s management of innovation. Not up to date but still relevant.
  • Amazon. The ‘secret sauce.
  • Samsung Electronics. According to recent reports, Samsung needs to update its business practices. Is it time to innovate management practices? CIO provides some ideas! June 11, 2020. 9 pages.
  • Apple versus RIMCIO has researched both Apple (under Jobs) and RIM (under Lazaridis and Balsillie) and identified the important management practices relating to innovation which go a long way to explain why Apple was so successful during this period and why RIM’s business declined dramatically. September, 2012. 14 pages.

Other companies